From Insight to Impact: The Journey of Integrating Speed and Endurance in Athletic Training

Hello Reader,

As co-founder of and someone who has dedicated a significant portion of my career to understanding and enhancing human performance, I’ve had the privilege of exploring the frontiers of athletic training. Today, I want to share a part of this journey that has fundamentally shaped our approach at the integration of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and prolonged endurance training to unlock peak performance.

Rewind to 2010, when I penned an invited review article that would illuminate a path previously less traveled in the world of endurance sports. This wasn’t just another study; it was a synthesis of insights aimed at understanding how both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems contribute to optimal training for intense endurance events like Olympic rowing, triathlon, running and cycling.

The crux of my argument was this: to enhance endurance performance, an athlete must engage in both HIIT and prolonged, lower-intensity endurance training. Why? Because each method signals the body’s powerhouse, the mitochondria, to ramp up its efficiency through different molecular pathways — both targeting a signalling pathway termed the master switch, or PGC-1alpha.

This paper was important, providing a physiological rationale for what would become known as the polarized training model, advocated by renowned sports scientist Professor Stephen Seiler. According to this model, optimizing performance means training in a way that about 75% of total volume is low intensity, while 10-15% pushes the boundaries at high intensities.

At, this principle isn’t just a footnote in our training manuals; it’s the foundation of how we design your training.

Reflecting on that 2010 article, I’m reminded of the power of curiosity and the importance of challenging the status quo. It wasn’t just about proving a point; it was about paving a way forward for athletes to reach heights they hadn’t imagined. As we continue to push the boundaries at, I invite you to join us on your own journey of continued personal discovery and excellence.

The Athlete's Compass Podcast

This weeks episode, Endurance Nutrition: Exploring Low Carb, High Fat Diets, just came out. We discuss the evolving, if slightly controversial subject of endurance athlete nutrition. Listen or watch on your favorite platform and give us feedback and questions in our forum thread.

Best regards,

Paul Laursen, PhD

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